021 - Blocking the UI




在android中系统不允許在非Main Thread更新UI。當我們在非主線程做了耗時操作後,需要去更新UI的時候,我們就需要使用Handler來執行更新操作。

Processes and threads overview | App quality

By default, all components of the same application run in the same process and thread, called the main thread. If an application component ... Processes · Threads · Worker threads · Thread-safe methods

Better performance through threading

This main thread, also known as the UI thread, is responsible for everything that happens onscreen. Understanding how it works can help you ... Main thread · Threads and UI object... · Explicit references · Thread priority

Android 效能優化系列— 03 ANR 應用程式沒有回應

若主執行緒( Main threat、UI thread ) 處於阻塞的情況,就有可能會觸發ANR ( Application Not Responding ) 錯誤(如下圖)。這種錯誤是最嚴重的,也會帶 ...


最重要且不太會忘記的部分應該就是UI thread不能被block住,只要block超過五秒左右系統就會跳沒有APP回應的對話視窗。 接著就是thread或是asynchronous要怎麼產生怎麼用, ...

我的Android筆記(8) - iT 邦幫忙:

指UI (Main) Thread - 負責更新Android UI,任何非UI程式不該放在於此避免ANR ... 執行緒裡執行完後再回到UI Thread裡更新UI. 讓程式丟給UI Thread跑的常見方法 ...

多執行緒· Android Studio

Android中,Main Thread又可稱為UI Thread,而其他的Thread皆可稱為Worker Thread。 ... 因為Main Thread可以隨時透過Handler發送Message給Thread,而AsyncTask只能依照 ...

Android: Is main thread same as UI thread? | by Neb P

The identifying numbers for main thread and the UI thread are the same, whereas the mMainThread has a different identifier. This makes sense ...

Is main thread the same as UI thread? - android

UI Thread and Main Thread are same only in Android. The Main thread, that is responsible for handling the UI events like Draw, Listen and receive the UI events.


In Android, when an application is launched, the system creates a thread of execution for the application, called main thread (also known as the ...


在android中系统不允許在非MainThread更新UI。當我們在非主線程做了耗時操作後,需要去更新UI的時候,我們就需要使用Handler來執行更新操作。,Bydefault,allcomponentsofthesameapplicationruninthesameprocessandthread,calledthemainthread.Ifanapplicationcomponent ...Processes·Threads·Workerthreads·Thread-safemethods,Thismainthread,alsoknownastheUIthread,isresponsibleforeverythingthathappensonscreen.Understa...